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- import requests
- # 用户输入的秘钥和经纬度(以逗号分隔)
- api_key = "" # 这里输入用户自己的秘钥
- location = "" # 输入用户的经纬度
- # 抓取天气信息的函数
- def get_weather_info(api_key, location):
- try:
- # 实时天气API
- realtime_url = f"https://api.caiyunapp.com/v2.6/{api_key}/{location}/realtime"
- # 当日天气API
- daily_url = f"https://api.caiyunapp.com/v2.6/{api_key}/{location}/daily?dailysteps=1"
- # 获取实时天气数据
- realtime_response = requests.get(realtime_url)
- # 获取当日天气数据
- daily_response = requests.get(daily_url)
- if realtime_response.status_code == 200 and daily_response.status_code == 200:
- realtime_data = realtime_response.json().get('result', {}).get('realtime', {})
- daily_data = daily_response.json().get('result', {}).get('daily', {})
- # 提取实时天气数据
- temperature = realtime_data.get('temperature')
- humidity = realtime_data.get('humidity')
- skycon = realtime_data.get('skycon')
- wind = realtime_data.get('wind', {})
- apparent_temperature = realtime_data.get('apparent_temperature')
- precipitation = realtime_data.get('precipitation', {})
- local_precip = precipitation.get('local', {})
- nearest_precip = precipitation.get('nearest', {})
- # 提取当日天气数据
- daily_temp = daily_data.get('temperature', [{}])[0]
- daily_humidity = daily_data.get('humidity', [{}])[0]
- daily_skycon = daily_data.get('skycon', [{}])[0].get('value', '未知')
- # 天气状况翻译
- skycon_translation = {
- "CLEAR_DAY": "晴天",
- "CLEAR_NIGHT": "晴夜",
- "CLOUDY": "阴天",
- "LIGHT_HAZE": "轻度雾霾",
- "MODERATE_HAZE": "中度雾霾",
- "HEAVY_HAZE": "重度雾霾",
- "LIGHT_RAIN": "小雨",
- "MODERATE_RAIN": "中雨",
- "HEAVY_RAIN": "大雨",
- "STORM_RAIN": "暴雨",
- "FOG": "雾",
- "LIGHT_SNOW": "小雪",
- "MODERATE_SNOW": "中雪",
- "HEAVY_SNOW": "大雪",
- "STORM_SNOW": "暴雪",
- "DUST": "浮尘",
- "SAND": "沙尘",
- "WIND": "大风"
- }
- # 翻译天气状况
- skycon_desc = skycon_translation.get(skycon, "未知天气状况")
- # 构建输出字符串
- weather_info = (
- f"实时天气情况: {skycon_desc}\n"
- f"实时温度: {round(temperature)}°C (体感: {round(apparent_temperature)}°C)\n"
- f"每秒风速: {wind.get('speed')}米\n"
- )
- # 判断降水状况
- if local_precip.get('intensity', 0) == 0 and nearest_precip.get('distance', 0) > 10000:
- weather_info += "降水监测: 目前无降水(雷达显示最近降水距离超过10公里)"
- else:
- weather_info += "降水监测: 雷达显示10公里区域内存在降水"
- # 加入当日天气信息(只显示温度、湿度和天气状况)
- weather_info += (
- f"\n当日天气情况: {skycon_translation.get(daily_skycon, '未知')}\n"
- f"当日温度: {round(daily_temp.get('min'))}°C ~ {round(daily_temp.get('max'))}°C\n"
- f"当日湿度: {round(int(daily_humidity.get('min') * 100))} % ~ {round(int(daily_humidity.get('max') * 100))} %\n"
- )
- return weather_info
- else:
- return "无法获取天气数据。"
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
- print(f"抓取天气信息失败: {e}")
- return None
- # 主程序入口
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- # 调用天气信息函数
- weather_result = get_weather_info(api_key, location)
- if weather_result:
- print("公司总部天气信息:\n",weather_result)
- else:
- print("未能提取到天气信息。")
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